What's the one thing you can do right now to turn your dreams into reality? Journaling. Did you know studies have shown that a regular journaling practice helps to clear your mind, focus on your goals and alleviate stress? Getting your thoughts, feelings and aspirations down on paper offers you the opportunity to build a deeper connection with yourself and identify goals and desires you want to manifest in your life. Plus it’s inspiring to go back and reread past entries and see how far you’ve come in your life journey!
Some people have some challenges when first starting a journaling practice. Here’s some tips the Peace and Pear team would love to share to jumpstart your journaling practice: 1. Try writing first thing in the morning when your mind is most quiet. 2. Don’t worry about writing in complete sentences. Try a stream of consciousness where you write about everything and nothing in particular. Start by writing phrases or simple words to describe your mood or feelings. 3. Use journaling prompts. A journal prompt is just a question or topic that gets your mind flowing. Try picking a card from your Soulful Connections deck and journal your answer. This is a great way to start your journaling each day. 4. Journal every day. Even if it’s just a few sentences, the more you write the easier it becomes. 5. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Every time you journal, list all the things you are grateful for in that moment. This helps reframe your mind and the way in which you approach life. Positivity, even for the small things you have in life, attracts more of the good stuff you crave. Looking for a little inspiration to start your own journaling practice? Visit http://www.PeaceandPear.com to see our new Soulful Connections Companion Journal. We've created a unique journal filled with beautiful, serene nature photos and inspirational quotes to get you motivated to journal your hopes, dreams and aspirations. There is also plenty of blank pages for writing. Use coupon code: Inspire for FREE SHIPPING while supplies last. Happy journaling! Peace, love and pear, Christine